Reading Summaries

For each class with an assigned reading, you are expected to write a one-page summary of the assigned readings/papers. In your summary, please focus on answering the following questions:

  1. What is the problem that the paper is focusing on?
  2. What are the key insights and main contributions of the proposed work, and how do they address prior works' limitations?
  3. What are some weaknesses or limitations of the paper?
  4. Do you have any suggested improvements for the paper or any related ideas?

These readings summaries should demonstrate that you have read the paper and thought carefully about the topic.

The summaries will be due at 11:59 pm PDT before each class via Canvas Assignments.

Discussion Lead

Depending on the number of students enrolled, each student is expected to present and lead the discussion for one of the assigned readings in a session. Please take a look at the assigned papers for each session. If you are interested in leading the discussion in any of the sessions, please share your top two preferences here. The deadline for sharing your preferences for sessions to act as discussion leads is October 10, 2024. After October 10, the instructor will assign the students as discussion leads for each session.

As a discussion lead, you will be responsible for the following: 1) Deliver a 25-minute presentation of the paper assigned for the class. 2) Read and understand the technical details of the paper and create a list of discussion prompts. The discussion prompts should engage students in critical and creative thinking about the paper and the broader topic.

Please share your presentations and the discussion prompts with the instructor before the class through email with [CS204] tag in the email subject. Please allow two days to receive any feedback. This will be a good opportunity for you to learn to discuss ideas around a research topic and find related works, and it will help your presentation and communication skills as well.